Benefits of Digital Dentures over Traditional Dentures

As technology advances, so does the dentistry industry. Newer methods and procedures are developed to make dental treatments more effective and efficient. In recent years, digital dentures have become a popular option for patients needing dentures.

So, what exactly are digital dentures?

Digital dentures are made using computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technology. This technology allows for a more accurate and precise fit for the denture. The 3Shape CAD/CAM software is used to create a 3D model of the denture, which is then sent to a PM7 Ivoclar 5-axis milling machine to be milled out of a PMMA disc—a material eight times harder than traditional denture acrylic.

What are the benefits?

This comprehensive technological process results in a denture that is much more comfortable and natural-looking than a traditional denture. For one, digital dentures are more accurate in terms of fit. 3D modelling allows for a more exact replica of the patient’s mouth, ensuring a snug fit that doesn’t require constant readjustment.

Additionally, the PMMA material used for digital dentures is more durable and long-lasting than traditional denture acrylic. This means that patients can expect their digital dentures to last longer before needing to be replaced. PMMA does not absorb liquid, helping it to stay cleaner for longer and resist staining.

Digital dentures also offer more aesthetic options. Because they are milled out of a solid block of colour, they can be tinted to match the patient’s natural teeth colour more closely. Additionally, the material used for digital dentures is semi-translucent, giving the denture a more natural appearance.

Another significant advantage of digital dentures is that the entire process can be done in as little as two appointments, from initial consultation to final fitting. Traditional dentures usually require multiple appointments spread out over several weeks or even months. Using the BPS protocol, we can combine your second and third appointments, saving you both time and money.

Digital Denture Centre is one of the first clinics in Bendigo to offer this newer technology to our patients. Our team is highly trained in SEMCD (scanning, evaluation, milling and communication of digital dentures) and can help you decide if this treatment option is right for you. Book a free consultation today to learn more.